Jun Po


It is with deepest sadness and the greatest gratitude that I acknowledge JunPo’s Passing. He was the perfect teacher for me, and he gave everything he had to all of us. He was the only self-proclaimed “recovering narcissist” that I have ever met who was profoundly selfless. I always questioned the “recovering” but never the selflessness. He would always say, “Narcissists make better teachers.” And of course, there was some truth to that claim, especially for the charismatic ones. And he was indeed one of the most charismatic ones. He hooked so many of us with his selflessness and then inspired us with his charisma. So many of his teachings will continue teaching long after he is gone. 

There were so many little Jun Po gems like these: 

  •  “Your angst is your liberation” 
  • “When you have lost your sense of humor you have lost the way” 
  • “If it is on your plate, eat it” “Get the Joke” 
  • “The heart is made to be broken and can never be broken” 
  • “Fear is really excitement and opportunity” 
  • “From here, fear and anger are inconceivable” 
  • “Meditation never begins and never ends” 
  • “I’m not saying there is no Zen, I’m just saying there are no masters of Zen” 

Deepest love and gratitude, 


The Gift of Parkinsons 

Oh, my God!
Who would have thought?
That this falling in love with my Death.
Would actually become.
The resurrection of my life……………………………..

Jun Po

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