Profile Overview
Integral Zen 7 Day Retreats in Europe 2023
Jun 8, 4:00 pm - Jun 24, 10:00 am CEST
Jun 8, 10:00 am - Jun 24, 4:00 am EDT
Sweden and Poland
Led by: Doshin Nelson
Doshin Roshi will lead two separate retreats in June 2023, the first in Rattvik, 270 km northwest of Stockholm from 8-15th of June, and the second at Sacred Mirror Zendo in Gdansk, Poland 18-24th of June. Please send inquiries to [email protected] or sign up on the waiting list to learn more.
Registration is not open yet, but you may add yourself to the waiting list.
If you are registered, you can access the course link, info, videos, and materials in the my profile section of the website.