
Profile Overview

Integral Zen 7 Day Retreat (Los Angeles)

Sep 18, 2:00 pm - Sep 25, 10:00 am PDT

Sep 18, 5:00 pm - Sep 25, 1:00 pm EDT

Yokoji Zen Mountain Center

Led by: Doshin Nelson


Integral Awakening Zen Retreat

It was not a Zen Master, but a Jesuit Priest named Anthony de Mellow who asked this wonderfully troubling question: “What is the only water that will quench our deepest thirst? His answer was “silence.” And then he asked: “What is silence?” His answer was “meditation.”

This silence is not the absence of sound,

It is the absence of you.

~ Wu Hsin

Come taste the deepening Silence of a Zen Meditation Retreat and feel it break your heart as open as the empty sky. This is the healing medicine that each of us truly needs in these increasingly difficult times.

The retreat will include silent meditation, guided meditation, walking meditation, healing meditation,

7 Days and 7 Nights – September 18th to 25th, 2022

Cost $850.00 includes room and board

(Not including Dana – which is an opportunity to generously support the teachings and teachers)

If you have not previously attended at least one of Integral Zen’s week long retreats, email Janel at [email protected]. This retreat is expected to fill quickly. It will be first come first serve.


Registration is not open yet, but you may add yourself to the waiting list.

If you are registered, you can access the course link, info, videos, and materials in the my profile section of the website.

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